Musing on microBIOME mysteries
one probiotic at a time
Mary Ruddick
Oh, my little microbes, you’ve found your way to the most mischievous corner of the microbiome universe where we will be unraveling microbial mysteries one probiotic at a time. We dive deep into the deliciously complex dance between your body and its microbial residents, from the friendly flora to the not-so-friendly fauna. We talk pathogens, probiotics, and everything in between. We explore how these tiny powerhouses—your gut’s motley crew of good, bad, and downright ugly—play a role in everything from weight loss to hormone regulation, from digestion to detoxification.
Think of me as your microbial muse, your probiotic provocateur, your nutritional nomad who’s seen the things you would rather not, from the parasites of Peru to the bacteria of the Balkans. I travel the world not just to discover the secrets of seal kiviak or the beautiful buzz of fermented mare's milk (although, spoiler alert, I do), but to find out how cultures across the globe avoid our health crisis, heal themselves from deadly snake bites, and how those secrets align with the latest in microbial science. I’ve been called many things, but mostly I am a lady with insatiable curiosity, obsessed with uncovering the mysteries of the microbiome. Sexy, right? And it is—nothing gets my heart racing like a good probiotic showdown or a study on LP299v (L. Plantarum 299v) role in annihilating leptospirosis.

Death-defying years have been spent diving deep into the jungles of the Amazon, scaling the frosty peaks of the Arctic, and dining with the folks who have what we all want and are the last who know to maintain it so that you can learn from the comfort of your home.
Perfect health. Mind, body, spirit.
And why, you ask? Well, because when I was still a young fawn, I was pulled into the underworld of illness as rapidly as Hades ripped Persephone from Demeter. The microbiome held the key to digging out of that decade-plus underworld "tour" and when I saw the first light of remission, I knew I had to share with others who were aimless in the abyss. Each person I worked with spurred new questions and insights that lead to more research, more studies, and more theories.

The tiniest life forms that can wield the mightiest influence over our health—our microscopic allies and adversaries, our gut inhabitants, our little invisible friends (and enemies). Plant the right seeds, give the right food, place in the right light, and these little best-friends-you-never-knew-you-had can bring you back to life.
Microbes, Medical Mysteries, and Mirthful Musings
Let’s just say you’re in for quite the adventure. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come:
1. Ozempic, Obesity, and the Marvels of Microbes
Oh, Hollywood and its love affairs. Ozempic has taken center stage as the ultimate weight-loss tool, but guess who’s been waiting in the wings all along? Microbes! We’ll explore how these tiny dynamos are the real heroes behind weight management and why some of you are missing out on their wonders.
2. To Dairy or Not to Dairy: A Love Story with Oxalates
Think Romeo and Juliet, but with cream and spinach. In this tale, we unravel the passionate love affair between dairy and oxalates, and how your gut bacteria could play the matchmaker in this tumultuous relationship.
3. Oxalate Metabolism and the Bacterial Dance
Who knew oxalates could dance? We’ll explore how microbes like Oxalobacter formigenes and her back up dancers lead this delicate tango, breaking down oxalates and saving your body from their mischief.
4. Fasting and Oxalate Dumping: Autophagy and Microbes Unite
Picture this: A gritty showdown between your body’s recycling crew (autophagy) and those pesky oxalates. Fasting, microbes, and a little self-cannibalization, anyone? We’ll get into how strategic fasting can help you take out the microbial trash and detoxify like a pro.
5. Probiotics vs. Pathogens: The Ultimate Cage Match
Oh, this one's going to be juicy. Pathogens think they’re clever, sneaky, and indestructible. But enter our probiotic warriors, and watch the tables turn. Find out how to arm your gut with the right microbes to fend off those pesky invaders and keep the peace.
You Are the Ruler of a Universe - Know Your Subjects - Rule Wisely
Oh, my little magical microbes, you are more than just a walking bundle of cells. You are a universe unto yourself, teeming with life, mystery, and untapped potential. And I’m here to help you unlock that potential. I believe in the power of microbes to transform lives, and I want to show you how to harness that power for yourself.
So grab your magnifying glass, put on your detective hat, and let’s get to sleuthing. You’ve just stepped into a world where the smallest things hold the biggest secrets—where probiotics can be your best friends, and microbes can be your greatest allies. Together, we’ll uncover the mysteries of the microbiome, one post at a time.
Let the adventure begin!

Amazing blog posts. I was riveted through all of the them. I am in incredibly interested in this subject and can’t wait to read on when this lady has the time to tell us more.
Thank you very much.
Thank you Mary for your work and inspiration. I just watched and shared your video from Jesse Chappus YouTube chanel called “The mind blowing impact of light & sound on the Microbiome” brilliant, everyone loves it. We are all trying to find the study about our normal microbiome bacteria changing because of the light and sound in Hospital to superbugs. There was no link left or a title so we can’t find it. Please can you share it for all of us who are interested, many thanks to you.