Mary Ruddick
Oh, estrogen dominance, you cruel mistress! The unwelcome guest who not only crashes your hormonal party but also brings friends like infertility, PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, and a flair for emotional outbursts. What you might not know is that there’s more to blame than just the usual suspects like carbs, stress, and your questionable obsession with polyester yoga pants. Let's take a deep dive into what’s really going on when estrogen takes the wheel and how some nerd-approved probiotics might be the missing piece in your strategy.
The Root Causes of Estrogen Dominance: Carbs, Cortisol, and Cranky Liver Detox Pathways
First, let’s get something straight: it’s not just those extra carbs that are wrecking your hormones, though they don’t help. Infact, until not-too-long-ago, carbs were the primary issue. When you scarf down sugar-laden snacks or indulge in high-glycemic foods, insulin spikes. High insulin levels increase aromatase activity, the enzyme that turns testosterone into even more estrogen. Thanks, but no thanks. If you haven't regulated your carbohydrate intake yet, no need to read on my little microbe. Foundations first.
Next up: cortisol, your stress hormone that’s supposed to save you from tigers, but instead is activated by the 1,000 unread emails in your inbox. Chronic stress leads to chronically high cortisol levels, which not only mess with your sleep but also throw a wrench in progesterone production. Low progesterone and high estrogen? You guessed it: estrogen dominance. Oh, and don’t forget that when your cortisol is in overdrive, it hogs the nutrients and energy that your liver could be using to detoxify and eliminate excess estrogen.
Now, onto the liver. Phases 2 and 3 of liver detox are where the magic—or mayhem—happens. Phase 2 is all about conjugation, where enzymes like COMT and methylation pathways are needed to neutralize estrogen, turning it into a form your body can excrete. Phase 3 is where that conjugated estrogen is packed up and shipped out via bile or urine. But if either phase is sluggish—whether from bacterial deficiencies, nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload, or genetic snags like MTHFR mutations—estrogen ends up in recirculation, causing that familiar hormonal havoc.
And then there’s polyester. Yes, your synthetic workout wear could be contributing to your estrogen issues. The plastics in polyester release endocrine disruptors like phthalates and BPA, which mimic estrogen in the body. Wear them long enough, and your fat cells might as well be throwing an estrogen party, and everyone’s invited.
If you’ve balanced your blood sugar by reducing carbohydrates, if you tried the good ‘ol soluble fiber trick to lend phase II & phase III a hand, if you’ve brought in gratitude journaling, meditation, and sleep hygiene, and if your estrogen is still out of control, the following may be your saving grace.
Meet Your Microbial Allies: Probiotics That Help Degrade Estrogen
1. Lactobacillus gasseri (SBT2055)
- Feed Me, Seymour: This gal loves (and needs to eat if you want her to stay) her fermented goodies—think miso, kimchi, and sauerkraut.
- When and How to Take: Best taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Role in Estrogen Detox: L. gasseri SBT2055 is the beta-glucuronidase wrangler, ensuring that conjugated estrogen stays bound and doesn’t get reabsorbed.
- Nutrient Production: This little Betty produces vitamin B6 and folate for you, which are critical for methylation and keeping COMT functioning smoothly.
2. Bifidobacterium longum (BB536)
- Feed Me, Seymour: Prebiotics like inulin and nature's miracle grow (colostrum) keep B. longum thriving.
- When and How to Take: With meals to enhance bile acid metabolism.
- Role in Estrogen Detox: Promotes proper bile metabolism, ensuring estrogens are packed up and sent on their way.
- Nutrient Production: BB536 produces B7 (biotin) and B2 (riboflavin), crucial for energy production and efficient detoxification. You didn't know that your vitamins don't come from your vitamins now did you?
3. Lactobacillus reuteri (DSM 17938)
- Feed Me, Seymour: Fermented pickles, kefir, and yogurt are her jam (literally).
- When and How to Take: With meals for improved absorption.
- Role in Estrogen Detox: Decreases beta-glucuronidase activity and keeps inflammation at bay.
- Nutrient Production: She'll coat you in vitamin K2 from here until forever.
The Usual Suspects: Harmful Bacteria That Wreak Havoc on Estrogen Detox
Estrogen dominance can also indicate that an overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria are at play. Below are the most likely offenders.
1. Clostridium perfringens
- Effect on Histamine: Elevates histamine levels, leading to heightened inflammation.
- Genetic Impact: Interferes with COMT and MTHFR pathways, making detox more difficult.
- Food Supply: High-protein, low-fiber diets are its breeding ground. Note that high protein diets do not cause this bacteria to inhabit your body, but that once this bacteria is in the body, you might not want to give it its favorite housing situation.
- Nutrient Blockade: Reduces vitamin B1 absorption, leading to fatigue, nervous system disorders, and poor cognitive function.
- Antagonists: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Bifidobacterium bifidum are its natural kryptonite. Start a war. Win the battle.
2. Escherichia coli (pathogenic strains, e.g., O157:H7)
- Effect on Histamine: Triggers histamine release and increases gut permeability.
- Genetic Impact: Worsens CBS mutations, leading to higher homocysteine levels.
- Food Supply: Sugar and processed carbohydrates. Think of E. coli as your eight year old self at the movies with unlimited cash.
- Nutrient Blockade: Blocks iron and B12 absorption, causing anemia, neuropathy, and fatigue.
- Antagonists: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Saccharomyces boulardii to the rescue.
3. Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Effect on Histamine: A histamine-releasing machine, it makes allergies worse and bloats your gut.
- Genetic Impact: Challenges MTHFR pathways by increasing systemic inflammation.
- Food Supply: High-carb diets are its favorite fuel.
- Nutrient Blockade: Blocks vitamin D and magnesium absorption, leading to poor immune function and muscle cramps.
- Antagonists: Lactobacillus plantarum 299v and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii are effective in keeping Klebsiella populations low.
4. Proteobacteria (e.g., Enterobacter cloacae)
- Effect on Histamine: Fuels histamine intolerance and causes systemic inflammation.
- Genetic Impact: Overloads COMT and CBS pathways, leading to sluggish detox.
- Food Supply: Processed foods give this bad actor a boost.
- Nutrient Blockade: Inhibits absorption of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.
- Antagonists: Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Bifidobacterium longum keep these bacteria in line.
5. Staphylococcus aureus
- Effect on Histamine: Increases histamine release and can exacerbate eczema and rosacea.
- Genetic Impact: Burdens COMT pathways, leading to detox overload.
- Food Supply: Sugary foods cause Staph to proliferate.
- Nutrient Blockade: Reduces zinc and vitamin C absorption, leading to poor immune function.
- Antagonists: Lactobacillus plantarum 299v and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG are excellent for outcompeting Staph.
Instructions on Taking These Probiotics
With the right balance of probiotics and a keen awareness of those microbial saboteurs, you can take the reins back from estrogen dominance, leaving your polyester-induced hormonal chaos in the dust.
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Interesting article! Thank you Mary! Quick question - bad actor no. 4 proteobacteria, do the processed foods it thrives on include things like collage and protein powder…? I always wonder about these things in my diet..